PACE team members publish conference and journal articles on our work. This list represents many of those publications. Names of PACE faculty, staff, and student employees appear in bold.
- Andino, G., Delinger, S., Fosso Tande, J., Middelkoop, T., Mizumoto, C., Reddy, D., & Weiner, M., (2024). Onboarding Research Computing and Data Professionals. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing, 1–4.
- Smith, K., Liu, F., Phanish, D., Chen, H.-J., Chen, R., & Contis, D. (2024). Research Collaboration Discovery through Neo4j Knowledge Graph. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing, 1–7.
- Yang, Y., Liu, F., Weiner, M. D., Jezghani, A., Coulter, J. E., Lara, R., Rahaman, R., Suda, K. J., Valdez, J., Womack, D., & Zhou, D. (2024). Exploring Research Dataset-Sharing Strategies for Concurrent AI Workflows. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing, 1–4.
- Coulter, J. E., Weiner, M. D., Jezghani, A., Guidry, M., Lara, R., Liu, F., Metts, A., Rahaman, R., Suda, K., Wan, P., Willcox, G., Womack, D., & Zhou, D. (2023). ICE 2.0: Restructuring and Growing an Instructional HPC Cluster. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, 591–597.
- Liu, F., Rahaman, R., Weiner, M., Coulter, E., Phanish, D., Valdez, J., Sarajlic, S., Lara, R., & Buffington, P. (2023). Semi-Automatic Hybrid Software Deployment Workflow in a Research Computing Center. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 68–74.
- Young, J., Jezghani, A., Valdez, J., Jijina, S., Liu, X., Weiner, M.D., Powell, W. and Sarajlic, S., 2022. Enhancing HPC Education and Workflows with Novel Computing Architectures. Journal of Computational Science, 13(2).
- Jezghani, A., Sarajlic, S., Brandon, M., Bright, N., Belgin, M., Beyer, G., Blanton, C., Buffington, P., Coulter, J.E., Lara, R. and Lefton, L., 2022. Phoenix: The Revival of Research Computing and the Launch of the New Cost Model at Georgia Tech. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (pp. 1-9).
- Jezghani, A., Manalo, K., Powell, W., Valdez, J. and Young, J., 2022, January. Onboarding Users to A64FX via Open OnDemand. In International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region Workshops (pp. 78-83).
- Mehmet Belgin, Semir Sarajlic, Ruben Lara, Laura Cadonati, A. Nepomuk Otte, Ignacio J. Taboada, Gregory L Beyer, Norman B Bonner, Michael Brandon, Pam Buffington, J. Eric Coulter, Aaron Jezghani, David Leonard, Fang Liu, Paul D Manno, Craig A Moseley, Trever C Nightingale, Ronald Rahaman, Kenneth J Suda, Peter Wan, Michael D. Weiner, Deirdre Womack, Dan Zhou, Andre C McNeill, Neil C Bright, Robert W Gardner, Pascal Paschos, Lincoln Andrew Bryant, Judith Lorraine Stephen, James Alexander Clark, Brian Hua Lin, Todd Tannenbaum, and Gregory Thain. 2022. Buzzard: Georgia Tech’s Foray into the Open Science Grid. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 47, 1–5.
- Aaron Jezghani, Semir Sarajlic, Michael Brandon, Neil Bright, Mehmet Belgin, Gergory Beyer, Christopher Blanton, Pam Buffington, J. Eric Coulter, Ruben Lara, Lew Lefton, David Leonard, Fang Cherry Liu, Kevin Manalo, Paul Manno, Craig Moseley, Trever Nightingale, N. Bray Bonner, Ronald Rahaman, Christopher Stone, Kenneth J. Suda, Peter Wan, Michael D. Weiner, Deirdre Womack, Nuyun Zhang, and Dan Zhou. 2022. Phoenix: The Revival of Research Computing and the Launch of the New Cost Model at Georgia Tech. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 13, 1–9.
- Fang Liu, Dan Zhou, Ken Suda, Michael D. Weiner, Mehmet Belgin, Ruben Lara, and Pam Buffington. 2022. A Fully Automated Scratch Storage Cleanup Tool for Heterogeneous Parallel Filesystems. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 16, 1–7.
- Eugene Min, Fang Liu, and Ronald Rahaman. 2022. Automatic Benchmark Testing with Performance Notification for a Research Computing Center. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 1–7.
- Fang (Cherry) Liu, Michael D. Weiner, Kevin Manalo, Aaron Jezghani, Christopher J. Blanton, Christopher Stone, Kenneth Suda, Nuyun Zhang, Dan Zhou, Mehmet Belgin, Semir Sarajlic, and Ruben Lara. Human-in-the-Loop Automatic Data Migration for a Large Research Computing Data Center. 2021. In 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence.
- Fang (Cherry) Liu, Mehmet Belgin, Nuyun Zhang, Kevin Manalo, Ruben Lara, Christopher P. Stone, Paul Manno “ProvBench: A performance provenance capturing framework for heterogeneous research computing environments”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Jan 10 2022 DOI:
- Aaron Jezghani, Kevin Manalo, Will Powell, Jeffrey Valdez, and Jeffrey Young. Onboarding Users to A64FX via Open OnDemand. 2021. In International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia- Pacific Region Workshops (HPCAsia 2022 Workshop). https://doi. org/10.1145/3503470.3503479
- I Nompelis, G Jost., A Koniges, C Daley, D Eder, and Christopher Stone. 2020. Enabling Execution of a Legacy CFD Mini Application on Accelerators Using OpenMP. In Sadayappan P., Chamberlain B., Juckeland G., Ltaief H. (eds) High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-50743-5_14
- Jack Rager and Fang (Cherry) Liu. 2020. Facilitating the HPC Data Center Host efficiency through Big Data Analytics. In IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
- Naveen Mohideen, Michael D. Weiner, and Gerald W. Feigenson. 2020. Bilayer compositional asymmetry influences the nanoscopic to macroscopic phase domain size transition. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids.
- Mehmet Belgin, Tyler A. Perini, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Nuyun Zhang, Semir Sarajlic, Andre C. McNeill, Paul Manno, and Neil Bright. 2019. A Data-driven Support Strategy for a Sustainable Research Software Repository. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
- Kevin Manalo, Levi Baber, Ryan Bradley, Zhi-Qiang You, and Nuyun Zhang. 2019. Community Collections: A Framework for Openly Sharing Software Stacks Across Research Computing Centers Using Singularity and Lmod. In PEARC 19: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 28 – August 1, 2019, Chicago, IL.
- Fang (Cherry) Liu, Y. Sun, A. Y. Sun and W. Xu, “Integrated HPC Scheduler Data Processing Workflow using Apache Zeppelin,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2018, pp. 4254-4260, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8622085
- Yanzhe Cheng, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Shan Jing, Weijia Xu, and Duen Horng Chau. 2018. Building Big Data Processing and Visualization Pipeline through Apache Zeppelin. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 57, 1–7. DOI:
- Semir Sarajlic, Julien Chastang, Suresh Marru, Jeremy Fischer, and Mike Lowe. 2018. Scaling JupyterHub Using Kubernetes on Jetstream Cloud: Platform as a Service for Research and Educational Initiatives in the Atmospheric Sciences. In PEARC 18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22-26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Mehmet Belgin, Trever C. Nightingale, David A. Mercer, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Peter N. Wan, Andre C. McNeill, Ruben Lara, Paul Manno, and Neil Bright. 2018. ICE: A Federated Instructional Cluster Environment for Georgia Tech. In PEARC 18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22-26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- David Akin, Mehmet Belgin, Timothy A. Bouvet, Neil C. Bright, Stephen Harrell, Brian Haymore, Michael Jennings, Rich Knepper, Daniel LaPine, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Amiya Maji, Henry Neeman, Resa Reynolds, Andrew H. Sherman, Michael Showerman, Jenett Tillotson, John Towns, George Turner, and Brett Zimmerman. 2017. Linux Clusters Institute Workshops: Building the HPC and Research Computing Systems Professionals Workforce. In Proceedings of the HPC Systems Professionals Workshop (HPCSYSPROS’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 1–8. DOI:
- Fang (Cherry) Liu, Weijia Xu, Mehmet Belgin, Ruizhu Huang, and Blake C. Fleischer. 2017. Insights into Research Computing Operations using Big Data-Powered Log Analysis. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017 on Sustainability, Success and Impact (PEARC17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 31, 1–8. DOI:
- Paras Jain, Chirag Tailor, Sam Ford, Liexiao (Richard) Ding, Michael Phillips, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Nagi Gebraeel, Duen Horng (Polo) Chau, “Scalable Architecture for Anomaly Detection and Visualization in Power Generating Assets,” 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2017, pp. 1078-1082, doi: 10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.77
- Fang (Cherry) Liu, F. Shen, D. H. Chau, N. Bright, and M. Belgin, “Building a research data science platform from industrial machines,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2016, pp. 2270-2275, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2016.7840859
- Pulsipher, D. (Host) & Coulter, E. (Guest). (June 2025) “Optimizing HPC Usage for Researchers.” Embracing Digital Transformation [Podcast]. Retrieved from
- Pulsipher, D. (Host) & Jezghani, A. (Guest). (April 2025) “Revolutionizing HPC Management.” Embracing Digital Transformation [Podcast]. Retrieved from